Playing sport places a huge amount of stress on the body, making injuries to the bones, muscles, tendons and ligaments of the body much more likely. Common injuries seen in the clinic include sprains, strains, tears, bruising/contusions and fractures. Although direct and indirect injury can occur to any part of the body when participating in sport, injuries seen routinely involve the knee, ankle, shoulder and spine.
At Morley Physiotherapy Centre our team have a wealth of experience in diagnosing, treating, and managing sports-related injuries arising from a wide range of sport disciplines including netball, soccer, AFL-footy, basketball, and martial arts/mixed fighting arts. We recognise that sport injuries vary from person to person and from sport to sport, ranging from social, amateur and elite/professional levels of participation.
Our treatment approach provides each patient with a personalised plan for recovery, including rehabilitation to recover strength, fitness and conditioning, and sport specific skills to assist injury recurrence and prevention strategies.
Sporting Injury Experts
The physiotherapists at Morley Physiotherapy have an excellent knowledge of sport-specific injuries, and are able to service all ages and level of competition. Our physiotherapists also make certain to educate themselves on treatment methods, and provide their patients with up-to-date resources to prevent further problems.
Contact Us
If you are suffering from a sporting injury that is stopping you from performing your best, book a consult with one of our highly qualified physiotherapists at Morley Physiotherapy Centre. We can get you back on the field fast with confidence ready to move well and perform well.