When patients come to see us needing physiotherapy we do our best to get them fighting fit again – but we know that prevention is as important as any cure. That’s why our treatments involve not only helping to fix the issue, but offering advice on how to prevent further issues in the future.
If you want to keep yourself out of your PT’s clinic in the future, we have some advice for you. Here are 5 simple things you can do at home to avoid needing physiotherapy.
Proper Lifting
One of the easiest ways to injure yourself is lifting a load that is too heavy or using improper lifting technique. That’s why you’ll want to avoid heavy lifting as much as possible, and if you do have to lift a heavy load, you should familiarise yourself with proper lifting technique to avoid injuries. Heavy lifting can place a lot of stress on the spine and joints, so if you can, get a partner to help you and share the weight.
Keep Active
Physiotherapists are movement experts, so trust us when we say the best thing you can do for your body is to keep it moving. Regular exercise does wonders for your body: it keeps your bones, heart, muscles, lungs and even your brain strong. When your body is fit and active, its chances of being injured by everyday activities are lowered.
Don’t Push Yourself
While it’s important to exercise and have an active lifestyle, it’s just as important not to push yourself too hard. If you push your body relentlessly without rest, you’re putting yourself at risk of physical injury. Make sure you plan adequate recovery periods between exercise loads, and vary training with a range of activities including stretching, strengthening and aerobic exercises. Increase exercise intensity incrementally so you don’t cause any unnecessary pain or strain.
Perfect Posture
It might’ve just seemed like nagging when your teachers told you to sit up straight in class, but did you know correct posture can prevent the development of back and neck pain? Many of the patients we see with back and neck pain are a result of improper posture while sitting and standing. Good posture reduces strain on the spine, lessening the chance of associated aches and pains.
Take a Break
No matter how straight you keep that spine while sitting, you still need to stand up and take a break every now and then. If you’ve been in the same position for an extended period of time, change it up, take a walk, do some stretches and keep that blood flowing.
Not all injuries can be avoided, but by taking care of your body you may be able to prevent unnecessary pains and strains. If you do have any issues, we’re happy to see you any time to help get your physical health back on track.