Ankle Sprains – The Basics

Ankle sprains are common, especially for people who play sports, and it is easy injury to identify when you are suffering from one. Most ankle sprains are caused by a rapid shift in movement when your foot is planted firmly on the ground,the resulting pain is usually felt immediately. Events such as being tackled in a game of football can cause your ankle to twist or roll, which results in the ligaments in your ankle stretching, and in more severe cases, tearing. You will be aware of a sprained ankle quickly, as swelling, tenderness, and possibly bruising will surface right away.

The intensity of the sprain depends on how badly the ligaments in your ankle have been damaged, and how many ligaments have been affected. Those who are suffering from a mild sprain will find that they are still able to walk steadily, although mildly painful their ankle may be tender and swollen.

A sprain that is more severe will  display bruising, swelling and higher levels of pain limiting ankle movements and weight bearing on the affected foot..

After a Sprain – The Risk of Re-Injury

People with a history of ankle injury are more susceptible to future injury. As a result, it is important for those who have suffered an ankle sprain to undertake preventative strategies to minimise re-injury. It is also important to ensure that their initial sprain has a proper and complete recovery, otherwise their chances of suffering from a re-injury is much higher.

The Journal of Physiotherapy published findings that stated people who suffered a re-sprain, or a re-injury, within the initial three months of their first sprain, were found to do so as a result of incomplete recovery. The study found that three months after a sprain, 65% of the 102 participants reported a feeling of instability in their ankles, and 24% reported one or more re-sprains. After a year, 55% continued to report a feeling of instability, with 50% saying that they didn’t feel as though they had recovered completely.

How Can Ankle Sprains and Re-Injury Be Prevented?

The occurrence of ankle sprains is much less common in people who have good strength, flexibility, and balance, and so there are several steps you can take to improve these areas and lessen your chance of suffering from an ankle sprain or re-injury.


Stretching before and after exercising should be something you do no matter what, as it helps to increase your flexibility and eases any soreness you may feel after your exercise. For stretches that specifically benefit your ankles, target areas that stretch your calves and heels.


To aid your improvement in your ankle strength, you may need to purchase a heavy rubber band, which will be available at most sport stores or pharmacies. With this band, you can carry out several exercises that focus on working on the muscles in your feet and ankles.

Improving Balance

The rubber band that helps to improve your strength can also help to improve your balance. By tying the band in a loop, placing one end around a post in the ground and the other around one of your ankles, you can practise balancing on the other ankle while the one attached to the band moves around the post.

Home Training

A study carried out by The Journal of Physiotherapy found that athletes who had already suffered from an ankle sprain were less likely to suffer from a re-sprain within a year of their original injury if they undertook a home based proprioceptive training. The athletes undertook an 8-week program consisting of three 30-minute training sessions a week, and were also provided with ample information, exercise sheets, and a balance board to help improve their understanding of the injury and rehabilitation process.

At the end of the study, it was found that in the following year, only 22% of the athletes who had undergone training in their homes suffered from a re-injury, compared to 33% of athletes who did not carry out home training. Therefore, we can conclude that taking the time to train properly to increase your strength, balance, and flexibility can significantly lessen your chance of suffering from an ankle sprain.

For further advice, or information on our assessment and therapy options for your ankle injury contact  Morley Physiotherapy Centre to arrange a session with one of our experienced Physiotherapists’.