For many athletes, the knee has a high risk of injury. As the largest joint in the human body, it is susceptible to a wide range and variety of injuries. The knee can be fractured, dislocated, and sprained, among other injuries, particularly if athletes are not careful with proper running form, training techniques, and the use of protective equipment.
Common Knee Injuries in Sport
ACL Tears
Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) injuries are one of the most common types of knee injuries seen in pivotal, multi-directional and contact sports. They generally occur when the knee is twisted while the foot is planted, or through a direct trauma to the knee.
Meniscal Tears
The severity of meniscal tears can vary, and can occur alongside ACL tears in more serious injuries. Common causes of meniscal tears include direct impact on the front or side of the knee moving the joint to the side and tearing the menisci, over-rotation of the knee, and rapid loading on an uneven surfaces.
Jumper’s Knee
Jumper’s Knee, also known as Patellar Tendinopathy, occurs when repetitive loading of the knee causes micro-trauma and inflammation in the patellar tendon. It is generally seen in sporting activities that involve frequent jumping and landing, including basketball, volleyball and AFL.
Runner’s Knee
A common injury seen in recreational runners and sport participants of all ages. Onset of anterior knee pain with running is associated with tenderness and clicking in and around the patella (knee cap). Common causes include muscle imbalance of the thigh and calf muscles, foot postural faults, for example pronation, and training factors such as frequency, intensity and volume of training workloads.
Click here for more information about common knee injuries and their causes.
How to Avoid and Prevent Knee Injuries
There are a few simple techniques and habits you can adopt to prevent knee injuries from occurring. Some of these include:
- Keep increments in training workloads gradual and regular. Ramp training workloads after seasonal or coincidental lay-off periods.
- Partaking in full warm up and cool down exercises and stretches before and after activity, respectfully, to get your muscles ready for the activity and to stop them from seizing up.
- Correct faulty movement patterns and techniques to ensure safety and to limit the amount of strain on your muscles and joints.
- Using appropriate footwear which specifically addresses your foot type and posture, and the specific demands of your particular sport.
- Consult with a professional to ensure you are using the proper running technique.
How to Treat Knee Injuries
The recommended treatment following knee injury depends on the type and severity of the injury. Following most knee injuries, first aid management would include putting the RICED principle into effect: “Riced” is the acronym for Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation and Diagnosis. Bandaging, taping and weight bearing relief with crutches may also be required in the early phase in most cases.
Your treatment will depend on the severity of your injury – with some knee injuries requiring accurate diagnosis and assessment (eg. Xray , CT and MRI scanning), and consultation with medical specialists prior to commencing therapy. Although in severe cases surgery may be required most injuries benefit from commencing physiotherapy early, as appropriate rehabilitation improves knee function and speedy return to an active lifestyle and sport.
At Morley Physiotherapy, we conduct a full assessment of your knee, with a full history and physical examination to determine what the exact problems are. Once we determine the cause, we can develop an individual treatment plan to ensure relief of pain, swelling and full recovery of function.
As our valued client your rehabilitation goals and outcomes are important and formulated in consultation with you. You can expect Range of Motion Rehab to recover the movement of your knee; Progressive Muscle Strengthening and Proprioception training to restore strength, endurance, and balance to your injured leg; and Education and Home Rehab strategies, so that you understand the techniques and exercises you need to take forward for recovery and future prevention.
When to See a Physiotherapist ?
For more minor injuries, you may not need to see a physiotherapist at all. However, if you’ve employed the RICED technique and have found that you’re still suffering from severe pain and swelling, it might be time to seek professional help.
Some indications that you should contact a physiotherapist include:
- Severe pain around the knee, especially while walking,
- Severe swelling around the knee,
- An audible and painful “pop” in the knee joint,
- The feeling that your knee is “giving way” while walking or using stairs,
- The feeling that your knee is locking when you try to bend or straighten it,
- feelings of pins and needles or numbness in the lower leg,
- Continued pain and discomfort after the initial 72 hours after injury.
Not only will seeing a physiotherapist allow you to recover safely, it will also give your more of an insight into your injury, how you sustained it, the details of your recovery, and how you can prevent it in the future. Overall, you will gain a more comprehensive view of your rehabilitation, which will lead to a more positive result in the long run.
If you’re suffering from a knee injury, don’t let it go on any longer. Contact Morley Physio today and let us find the right solution for you.
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