Overcoming pain or injury through physiotherapy can be a physically challenging pursuit. If you have suffered a traumatic injury or have been struggling for months or even years with severe pain, you may find it more difficult than others to motivate yourself into treatment or keep on top of your exercises.

Physiotherapists have been noticing over time the difference a patient’s psychology makes on their recovery – a positive mindset really can help a person heal faster. So here are some of the ways you can practice positive thinking during physiotherapy for a better recovery.


Set Realistic Goals

Setting goals is an important step in the recovery process – it gives you something to aim for and work towards. Your physiotherapist will help you set realistic goals for your recovery and ensure these goals are manageable. For some, recovery with physiotherapy may be a long process, so for every small goal you achieve, make sure to celebrate. Celebrating small wins will help you feel like you’re making progress and keep you motivated and committed to your treatment plan.


Forgive Yourself

Some days are harder than others and you’re not always going to be at your best. As important as it is to celebrate the highs, you must also accept and then rationalise the lows. Beating yourself up about a bad day can be worse for your recovery. Take a moment to ease off, then try again.


Attend Your Appointments

It can be easy to talk yourself out of attending an appointment, but a clinic may be the most positive place for you to be during recovery. Physiotherapists are not only there to treat patients, but also support them in a positive, caring environment. The relationship between physiotherapist and patient can have a huge impact on the patient’s recovery and at Morley Physiotherapy we strive to provide an enjoyable experience and the best possible care to keep you on track.