5 tips to help you recover from ACL surgery
5 tips to help you recover from ACL surgery

Australia has the highest reported rates of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury in the world, and the rate has risen 70 percent in under 25s over the last 15 years, according to Australian research.

So if you’ve had an ACL injury and now require...

Working from home - don't get lockdown neck
Working from home? Don’t get lockdown neck

Thanks to COVID-19 lockdowns and social distancing, working from home has become a bigger part of life than ever before.

For many of us, that has meant working from laptops and spending long hours at a “workstation” that is far from ideal. Kitchen...

How to Prevent Swimmer’s Shoulder

Swimming is a great full body workout that anyone can benefit from, including people with weak joints. While chucking a few laps a couple times a week probably won’t have any negative side effects, professional, frequent, and long distance swimming...

Top 5 Safety Tips for Resistance Training

If you’re attempting to get rid of those post-isolation kilos, you’re probably tempted to go full steam ahead with your gym membership. While it’s a great idea to get moving and stay in shape, you should be mindful of the many resistance training...

The Foam Roller: Is the Hype Real?

The humble foam roller has soared to the upper echelons of every major sport, being found in the changing rooms and training facilities of just about every major sports team around the globe. These days no physio would be complete without a foam roller. 


Common Running Mistakes
Common Running Mistakes to Avoid

Ah yes, running. We’ve all done it some point for varying reasons, whether that be running for recreation, running for sport, or just running to late appointments. Either way, it’s one of the best cardio exercises out there and something that can...

4 Stretches to Help with Neck Pain

Ah the neck; a complex collection of muscles, bones and joints.

Most of us take our neck for granted until we get a cracking bit of neck pain. Whether you’ve slept wrong, tried to turn a little too far, injured it playing sport, or simply spent a...

What happens when you sprain your ankle?

People talk about treating sprained ankles all the time - but you don't always get a clear picture of what's actually happening when you sprain your ankle.

Today, your trusted Dianella Physio at Morley Physiotherapy Centre is here to help give you...